Fall Pasture
Rawe Ranch calves are not crep fed. Their performance data reflects their true genetic potential without the use of supplemental grain.

Calf Identification
Identification of calves and records management is initiated at birth where they are given an ear tag containing a tattoo number, their dams number, a year letter, and their sire number.

Breeding Pasture
Rawe Ranch cows are bred naturally on pasture: in groups of 30-35 cows per bull.

Rawes Ranches Brand JR BAR
Rawes Ranches brand is JR bar on the right rib. Only the commercial herd is branded, thus you will not see the Rawe Ranch brand on our sale bulls.

Philip & Marie Harty Family
Left to right: Emily with baby Travis, Ethan with little Lydia, Austin, Elizabeth, Philip, Marie

Penning On Sale Day
Rawes Ranches holds an annual bull sale at the ranch located 1 mile east of Strome, AB. On sale day, bulls are penned in groups of 4 to compliment one another in performance and style. If you are selecting for specific traits, consider the bulls that are penned together as they will have similar genetic potential and confirmation.

Sale Barn
The sale barn at Rawes Ranches was built in 1994. It is heated with a 250 person bleacher seating capacity. An outdoor toilet is available.
Bull Sort
Bulls are sorted and penned to compliment one another genetically, type and style.

Raised with the Commercial Cattleman in mind.
Rawe Ranch bulls are raised with the commercial cattleman in mind. Feeder calves from our Commercial herd are seen in the background.

AAA 606D has been used successfully on heifers for 5 years. He has a -3.7 lb BW EPD and has sired 161 calves. He has ranked in the top 1% in Canada for both Marbling and Ribeye Area EPDs, and we are very impressed with how he throws these top-performing carcass traits into his calves.

EPDs: BW 0.3 WW 68 YW 103 TM 59 REA 0.86 MRB 0.13

EPDs: BW 4.7 WW 71 YW 126 TM 57 REA 0.96 MRB -0.10

EPDs: BW -0.2 WW 50 YW 97 TM 40 REA 0.72 MRB -0.01
EPDs: BW 0.3 WW 37 YW 84 TM -1.0 REA 0.09 MRB 0.13

EPDs: BW 0.6 WW 66 YW 127 TM 50 REA 0.96 MRB -0.02

RAWES DALLAS 269A Still breeding naturally at 11 years old.
EPDs: BW 1.2 WW 67 YW 114 TM 70 REA 0.96 MRB 0.03

EPDs: BW 2.9 WW 65 YW 118 TM 46 REA 1.01 MRB 1.04

EPDs: BW 3.2 WW 85 YW 149 TM 50 REA 0.99 MRB 0.14

EPDs: BW 2.9 WW 55 YW 102 TM 50 REA 0.54 MRB 0.07

EPDs: BW 3.9 WW 81 YW 141 TM 44 REA 1.26 MRB -0.05

Freshly Weaned Calves

Proven Predictable Performance
The Babies
One of the last brandings we held in 2020 to clean up the youngest born calves.
Good Genetics

A second calver babysits at the calving pasture, May 2020
Pasture calving is a fundamental part of our program. The herd is essentially unassisted with daily checking morning and night, for calves to be tagged and birth records to be entered.

Bull Pens
Bulls are sorted by age and managed in groups of approx. 35 per pen. They are fed a silage based ration, and have access to pasture paddocks where they get out and move to maintain good feet and body condition.

Bull Pens
Sale Bulls are sorted by age and separated in groups of 50 where they are performance tested for a full 15 months prior to the sale. They are rotationally let out the back of their pens into pasture paddocks where they have opportunity for good exercise and development.

Moving Herd to Swath Grazing
Rawes Ranches cow herd is wintered on pasture where they have access to swath grazing, clean water and good shelter. The purebred cow herd is not pampered, they either work or they don’t, they’re functional, or they go.

Family Branding
Grandpa John in 2020 with grandson Ethan (branding), granddaughter Elizabeth (castrating) and granddaughter in law Emily.

Silage Season
Filling our first pit of barley silage in August 2020.

Pasture Calving
Pasture calving is a fundamental part of our program. The herd is essentially unassisted with daily checking morning and night, for calves to be tagged and birth records to be entered.

Our commercial cows on pasture at Chauvin, Summer 2020